Privacy policy

for invoice software InvoiceOut

This document contains the Privacy Policy adopted by the Provider of the online products and services available at from "MAGNIC SOFTWARE" Ltd., UIC: BG202167815, with registered office and address of management: Slivnitsa, p.k. 2200, 24 Paisii Hilendarski Blvd., Bulgaria, with contact address: InvoiceOut information e-mail

This Policy aims to protect the rights of users using services and content provided through the website , available at , and offered by the service provider.

The policy is adopted in accordance with the requirements of the EU GDPR 2016/679 (Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data), and repealing Directive 95/46 / EC), in compliance with the principles and rules of the GDPR on data protection in a lawful, fair and transparent manner with regard to the data subject and on the basis of Section IV "Identification and personal data" of the General Terms and Conditions for Users when using services, products and content provided through the website , and reflects the necessary measures for protection of personal data of the user, taken by the service provider, in accordance with the requirements of current Bulgarian and European legislation.

The User has the right to contact the Provider on any issues related to this Privacy Policy using the following e-mail address: InvoiceOut e-mail for information , the contact form available from the "Contacts" section of the front page of website or via a message within the InvoiceOut platform.

For the means of application and interpretation of this Policy, the terms and expressions used will be accepted with the meaning defined in the General Terms and Conditions for Users when using the services, products and content provided through the website .

This Policy has been adopted by the legal representatives of "MAGNIC SOFTWARE" Ltd., UIC: BG202167815, with registered office and address of management: Slivnitsa, p.k. 2200, 24 Paisii Hilendarski Blvd., Bulgaria and is in force since: 26.11.2021.

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