of invoice software InvoiceOut

The following document describes the terms and conditions that govern the legal relations arising between:

1. The PROVIDER of online products and / or services provided on the online platform InvoiceOut located on the Internet address with domain: invoiceout-bg.org from "MAGNIC SOFTWARE" Ltd., UIC: BG202167815, with registered office and address: Slivnitsa , p.k. 2200, 24 Paisii Hilendarski Blvd. Bulgaria, with contact address: InvoiceOut information e-mail , hereinafter referred to as "PROVIDER"


2. ANY PERSON who uses the online platform for informational purposes and / or for the purpose of purchasing the online products / services offered by the provider, hereinafter referred to as "USER".

These General Terms and Conditions have been accepted by the legal representatives of MAGNIC SOFTWARE Ltd., VAT: BG202167815, with registered office and address of management: Slivnitsa, p.k. 2200, 24 Paisii Hilendarski Blvd, Bulgaria, and are up to date on: 26.11.2021.

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